SB Group Ecosystem

DragonSB Game

A Metaverse MMORPG based on Terra Protocol, DragonSB is the first of its kind. A wildly popular platform, the Binance Smart Chain, serves as the foundation for the game. With DragonSB, players command dragon warriors. Players engage in thrilling combat in the game and explore an altogether new setting: the world of dragons. In this universe, the player participates in ferocious combat, kills deadly monsters with granted superpowers, and earns SB and NFTs. The user can also transfer in-game NFTs to out-game NFTs. This transfer allows possible SB trade, staking, and farming. These behaviours contribute to an increase in income. The combination of NFT and DeFi enables users to accumulate revenue while having fun! DragonSB was developed utilizing the Unreal Engine. This implies that players will enjoy 3D images, cutting-edge interactive effects with high visual quality and fluid motion, all of which will be coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) to direct the dragon's actions in the game. DragonSB brings together millions of players from all around the world. It features a rich environment and offers the possibility to play-to-earn.

Stretch-To-Earn (STE)

STE is regarded as one of the most important applications for promoting health, enhancing life, and earning money quickly.


People do not often take the time and attention to exercise every day since they are so busy with their jobs. As we all know, exercise has numerous health benefits, including reducing stress and weariness, enhancing resistance, and extending life...

Solutions from SB Group SB Group developed the Stretch-to-Earn app in recognition of the challenges and time limits faced by the majority of individuals, with the goal of facilitating free movement within the home. In addition to working from home or the office, you can generate passive money to supplement your salary. The health-improving, eco-friendly application can be performed at any time, in any location, and includes numerous moderate workouts and muscular stretching.


Every day, users can participate in basic activities to improve their health after downloading the STE app and authenticating using their Facebook account or face recognition technology. What's more astonishing is that players can receive 3 days of free membership with a daily prize of $5. Referrer Bonus: When a player introduces a new player to the app, they will receive three more days of free play for each new user.

STE Token

Ticker: STE Blockchain

Network: BEP20 Token

Supply: 10,000,000

Smart contract: 0xA4CcaE9F2bD6195053D675e9a09B1d894695Ca0F

STE Token Utilities

In-game currency: With STE, the primary currency in Stretch-to-Earn, players can acquire the vast majority of in-game products ( rental, leasing or minting NFT)

Staking and Farming: Users can spend SB to improve revenue by staking and farming.

Trading: STE Tokens are used to buy, sell or trade on CEX, DEX exchanges

Earn: Stretch-To-Earn users gain STE tokens for completing tasks and winning STE minigames.

Burn: SB Group will deflate and enhance the value of STE by burning 50% of the STE earned through the NFT minting charge.


To improve their daily revenues, players can purchase in-app products. NFT is also highly varied, including T-shirts, leggings, shoes, caps, necklaces, bracelets, and rings, all of which are categorized by rarity and rank. The more NFTs a player possesses, the greater their rewards. Furthermore, SB Group developed a "rental" system that enables non-exercising NFT owners to rent them out for a profit.


SBSwap is the decentralized exchange (DEX) of SB Group, where users can earn passive revenue and obtain SB tokens by trading, staking, and farming.


SB lending is a platform where individuals can lend or borrow money for personal reasons. Anyone who owns SB can borrow money by using SB tokens as collateral. In contrast, anyone who has funds can take SB tokens mortgage to lend money to another individual.

NFT Marketplace

All NFT items in Stretch-To-Earn or DragonSB can be transferred out for trade back in and forth. After players purchase an NFT item in DragonSB or STE on any NFT marketplace, they can use them in the game. Through the NFT Marketplace operated by the SB Group, other users can buy NFTs.

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